Saturday, November 21, 2009


On Tuesday Serena and I went to the barn late so there was no one really there.  This was perfect cause it meant Serena could come into the barn aisle and watch the horses.  I tied her to a stall down the aisle from where I was working with Reggie so she could see me but not get hurt if Reggie moved around.  While I was brushing Reggie I heard Serena making noise so I looked expecting her to be afraid or something.  Instead she was trying to get the two horses whose stalls she was outside of to play with her.  Annie and Dreams could not figure out what this little black thing was looking at them.  She seems to like the barn.

Kisses for the kids:

1 comment:

  1. I love the first picture with Reggie looking down on you and Serena. You should use that as your FB profile pic.


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