Saturday, June 12, 2010

Way too much timed has passed!

I haven't updated since we got back from the cruise ship... bad me!  For awhile a lot of the stuff we did was no where near as interesting as going on a cruise.  Serena recovered nicely.  I think she was very happy too be home and get back into the routine.  She has been accompanying me shopping, eating and just hanging out.  She has gotten really good at "get in" which is going under the table and lying down and staying there until we leave.  We have also been working on "step," "hold it" and "side."  She does "step" and "side" pretty perfectly but "hold it" is still a major work in progress.

She and Reggie still love each other.  The other day I let her lead him down the aisle for the first time in awhile and she was so excited to do it again!  It is so charming how he will actually follow her and then stop and wait when she drops the rope and gets distracted.  

Pretending she is a poodle...

1 comment:

  1. OMG - That is too funny. You need to send this to Serena's "labradoodle" sisters Brecca and Shay! That is a hoot!


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