Saturday, December 24, 2011

Walmart... EEEEEP!

Victor had to get a few last minute things for Christmas yesterday so Darby and I tagged along to our neighborhood Walmart. Usually I only bring the dogs in there in the morning when it isn't crowded but since I wasn't the one shopping I figured I could control Darby and fight off people running up and trying to pet him.  Darby was really excited at first and every time we would stop he didn't understand that he just had to settle and wait for me to move again.  I kept putting back in a sit and he kept getting back up so finally I told him to down and put my foot on the leash so that if he got back up he would have nowhere to go:

This did wonders for him.  He settled right down and chilled out.  He navigated  through the store very well with only a few attempts at getting stuff off the floor and trying to go say hi to people.  His biggest problem is focus in busy situations but for 8 months old I am very happy with him.  Also I can get his attention right back with a squeaky toy squeaker or a  treat so I have a feeling in no time he will start ignoring surrounding things.  

He got a little freaked out in the check out lane.  The little girl behind us was jumping up and down and screaming trying to get him to come to her and she got more and more neurotic when he didn't.  He tried to get up and leave the situation but wasn't very committed with running away.  He kind of just got up from his down and went to take off but then looked at me for guidance.  I let him do a front so I was between him and the girl and he liked that better.  When we left the Walmart and all took a deep breath he was so very proud of himself and pranced around the parking lot.  I, on the other hand, was absolutely exhausted from watching him at all times and making sure the experiences was a good one!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thankful for balls of sunshine fur

As I sit here with Serena and Darby happily chewing on their bones or toys or (hopefully not) my underwear, I am content.  They are like balls of sunshine fur.  I am amazed at how they are so adaptable and just go with the flow.  I can learn a lot from my dogs.  Here are 10 things in no particular order:

10. When life gives you rain, play in the puddles until you are a horrible muddy mess and are so very happy about it.
9. Sometimes a good day includes lying on the couch and daydreaming out the window
8.  Your best friend in the whole wide world can be a Chihuahua.  Sure you might be an awkward couple but damn you have fun together so who cares.
7. Always be happy to see the ones you love no matter if they just went to the store or have been gone for a week.
6. The simple things in life are really good
5. Forgive people
4. Everyday is a new adventure
3. You might be 55 pounds but you can plot to take over the world
2. The best way to wake someone up is to throw yourself on them and then lick them crazily
1. You might not speak the local language but if you have a good attitude about it you might actually learn something.  And maybe even get a treat in the process!